I'm a (sort-of) java developer, so one of the most frequent sys-admin tasks I have to do is install Tomcat on Linux. Since there's usually quite a lag between Tomcat releases and packages appearing in yum repos, I generally do this "by hand". It used to be received wisdom that the way to run Tomcat was "behind" an apache installation, but given improvements in the codebase, the Java VM and the option for it to use the Apache Portable Runtime library, I don't think that's the case any longer. Why run two servers when I really only need one? This means, of course, that it has to start on port 80, and not the default 8080. Which is a problem on linux, as all ports below 1024 are "privileged" and available only to root. Native programs like apache get round this by starting up as root, grabbing the port, then switching to a n0n-root user for their normal operations. This level of native integration is beyond a JVM. You could run Tomcat as root,...
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